# Include this field if you want to enable an embedded M3 Coordinator instance
# Address for M3 Coordinator to listen for traffic.
listenAddress: <url>
# Configuration for a DB node (required)
# Database index configuration
# The maximum number of outstanding QueryID requests to service concurrently
maxQueryIDsConcurrency: <int>
# Limit on the max number of states used by a regexp deterministic finite automaton
# Default = 10000
regexpDFALimit: <int>
# Limit on the max number of bytes used by the finite state automaton
# Default 10mb (10 million)
regexpFSALimit: <int>
# Likelihood that an incoming write is written to the next block when close to the block boundary
forwardIndexProbability: <float>
# Threshold for forward writes, as a fraction of the given namespace's bufferFuture
forwardIndexThreshold: <float>
# Configuration options to transform incoming writes
# Truncatation type applied to incoming writes, valid options: [none, block]
# none = No truncation occurs
# block = Truncates incoming writes to the block boundary preceding this point's timestamp
truncateBy: <string>
# What to set all incoming write values to
forceValue: <float>
# Minimum log level emitted.
# Log file location
file: <string>
# Error logging level
level: <string>
# Key-value pairs to send to logging
fields: <map_of_strings>
# Options for emitting metrics
# Metrics scope
# Prefix prepended to metrics collected
prefix: <string>
# Reporting frequendy of metrics collected
reportingInterval: <duration>
# Tags shared by metrics collected
tags: <map of strings>
# Configuration for a Prometheus reporter (if used)
# Metrics collection endpoint for application
# Default = "/metrics"
handlerPath: <string>
# Listen address for metrics
# Default = ""
listenAddress: <url>
# The default Prometheus type to use for Tally timers, valid options: [histogram, summary]
timerType: <string>
# Sets the default histogram objectives used by the reporter
# Upper bound of the bucket
upper: <float>
# Sets the default summary objectives used by the reporter
percentile: <float>
allowedError: <float>
# What to do with errors when listening on the specified listen address or registering a metric with Prometheus, valid options: [stderr, log, none]
# Default = panic and stop exceution of go routine
onError: <string>
# Metric sanitization type, valid options: [none, m3, prometheus]
# Default = "none"
sanitization: <string>
# Metrics sampling rate. min=0.0, max=1.0
samplingRate: <float>
# Enable Go runtime metrics, valid options: [none, simple, moderate, detailed]
# See https://github.com/m3db/m3/blob/master/src/x/instrument/extended.go#L39:L64 for more details
extended: <string>
# Host and port to listen for the node service
# Default = ""
listenAddress: <url>
# Host and port to listen for the cluster service
# Default = ""
clusterListenAddress: <url>
# Host and port to listen for the node json/http APIs (Primarily used for debugging)
# Default = ""
httpNodeListenAddress: <url>
# Host and port to listen for the cluster json/http APIs (Primarily used for debugging)
# Default = ""
httpClusterListenAddress: <url>
# Address to listen on for debug APIs (pprof, etc).
# Default = ""
debugListenAddress: <url>
# Configuration for resolving the instances host ID.
# Resolver used to match the host ID, valid options: [hostname, config, environment, file]
resolver: <string>
# If using "environment" resolver, is the environment variable specified host ID
envVarName: <string>
# If using "file" resolver, is the file path to specified host ID
# Path to file
path: <string>
# Timeout to wait for file
timeout: <duration>
# If using "config" resolver, is the config specified host ID
# Default = "m3db_local"
value: m3db_local
# If using "hostname" resolver, is the hostname of the specified host
# Custom format to use, using go templates.
format: <string>
# The consistency level for writing to a cluster, valid options: [none, one, majority, all]
writeConsistencyLevel: <string>
# The consistency level for reading from a cluster, valid options: [none, one, unstrict_majority, majority, unstrict_all, all]
readConsistencyLevel: <string>
# The timeout for writing data
writeTimeout: <duration>
# The fetch timeout for any given query
# Range = 30s to 5m
fetchTimeout: <duration>
# The cluster connect timeout
connectTimeout: <duration>
# Configuration for retrying write operations
initialBackoff: <duration>
# Factor for exponential backoff
backoffFactor: <float>
# Maximum backoff time
maxBackoff: <duration>
# Maximum retry attempts
maxRetries: <int>
# Add randomness to wait intervals
jitter: <bool>
# Configuration for retrying fetch operations
initialBackoff: <duration>
# Factor for exponential backoff
backoffFactor: <float>
# Maximum backoff time
maxBackoff: <duration>
# Maximum retry attempts
maxRetries: <int>
# Add randomness to wait intervals
jitter: <bool>
# The amount of times a background check fails before a connection is taken out of consideration
backgroundHealthCheckFailLimit: <int>
# The factor of the host connect time when sleeping between a failed health check and the next check
backgroundHealthCheckFailThrottleFactor: <float>
# Initial garbage collection target percentage
# Range = 0 to 100
gcPercentage: <int>
# Tick configuration for background processing of block rotation
# Batch size to process series together during a tick
seriesBatchSize: <int>
# Tick per series sleep at the completion of a tick batch
perSeriesSleepDuration: <duration>
# Minimum tick interval for the node
minimumInterval: <duration>
# Write new series asynchronously for fast ingestion of new ID bursts
writeNewSeriesAsync: <bool>
# Write new series backoff between batches of new series insertions
writeNewSeriesBackoffDuration: <duration>
# Config for node bootstrappers
# Boostrap mode, valid options: [default, prefer_peers, exclude_commitlog]
mode: <string>
# File system bootstrapper
# What version, if any, to migrate existing data filesets to
# Upgrade filesets to specified version
targetMigrationVersion: <int>
# Number of concurrent workers performing migration
concurrency: <int>
# Configuration for commitlog bootstrapper
# Return unfulfilled when encountering corrupt ommit log files
returnUnfulfilledForCorruptCommitLogFiles: <bool>
# Config for peers bootstrapper
# How many shards in parallel to stream in memory data between peers
# Defaults = numCPU
streamShardConcurrency: <int>
# How many shards in parallel to stream for historical streamed between peers
# Default = numCPU / 2
streamPersistShardConcurrency: <int>
# Controls how many shards in parallel to flush for historical data streamed between peers
# Default = 1
streamPersistShardFlushConcurrency: <int>
# Whether individual bootstrappers cache series metadata across all namespaces, shards, or blocks
cacheSeriesMetadata: <bool>
# Concurrency for building index segments
indexSegmentConcurrency: <int>
# Verification checks to enable during a bootstrap
verifyIndexSegments: <bool>
# Block retrieval policy
# Concurrency to fetch blocks from disk
fetchConcurrency: <int>
# Globally enables/disables callbacks used to cache blocks fetched from disk
cacheBlocksOnRetrieve: <bool>
# Caching policy for database blocks
# Series cache policy
# Policy to use, valid options: [none, all, recently_read, lru]
policy: <string>
# If using LRU policy
maxBlocks: <int>
eventsChannelSize: <int>
# PostingsList cache policy
size: <int>
cacheRegexp: <bool>
cacheTerms: <bool>
# Compiled regexp cache for query regexp
size: <int>
# Commit log configuration
# Maximum number of bytes buffered before flushing the commitlog
flushMaxBytes: <int>
# Maximum amount of time data can remain buffered before flushing the commitlog
flushEvery: <duration>
# Configuration for the commitlog queue. High throughput setups may require higher
# values. Higher values use more memory.
# How to scale calculation size, valid options: [fixed, percpu]
calculationType: <string>
size: <int>
# The Golang channel that implements the commit log queue
# How to scale calculation size, valid options: [fixed, percpu]
calculationType: <string>
size: <int>
# Configuration for node filesystem
# Directory to store M3DB data in
filePathPrefix: <string>
# Write buffer size
writeBufferSize: <int>
# Data read buffer size
dataReadBufferSize: <int>
# Info metadata file read buffer size
infoReadBufferSize: <int>
# Seek data read buffer size
seekReadBufferSize: <int>
# Disk flush throughput limit in Mb/s
throughputLimitMbps: <float>
# Disk flush throughput check interval
throughputCheckEvery: <int>
# New file permissions mode to use when creating files, specified as three digits
newFileMode: <string>
# New file permissions mode to use when creating directories, specified as three digits
newDirectoryMode: <string>
# mmap configuration
# Huge pages config (Linux only)
enabled: <bool>
# Threshold on which to use huge TLB
threshold: <int>
# Forces the mmap that stores the index lookup bytes to be an anonymous region in memory
force_index_summaries_mmap_memory: <bool>
# Forces the mmap that stores the bloom filter bytes to be an anonymous region in memory
force_bloom_filter_mmap_memory: <bool>
# Target false positive percentage for the bloom filters for the fileset files
bloomFilterFalsePositivePercent: <float>
# Policy for replicating data between clusters
# Clusters to replicate data from
# Cluster name
name: <string>
# Configuration used to construct a client
# Consistency level for writing to a cluster, valid options: [none, one, majority, all]
writeConsistencyLevel: <string>
# Consistency level for reading from a cluster, valid options: [none, one, unstrict_majority, majority, unstrict_all, all]
readConsistencyLevel: <string>
# Consistency level for connecting to a cluster, valid options: [unknown, any, all, unrestrict_all, one, none, majority, unstrict_majority]
connectConsistencyLevel: <string>
# The timeout for writing data
writeTimeout: <duration>
# The fetch timeout for any given query
# Range = 30s to 5m
fetchTimeout: <duration>
# The cluster connect timeout
connectTimeout: <duration>
# Configuration for retrying write operations
initialBackoff: <duration>
# Factor for exponential backoff
backoffFactor: <float>
# Maximum backoff time
maxBackoff: <duration>
# Maximum retry attempts
maxRetries: <int>
# Add randomness to wait intervals
jitter: <bool>
# Configuration for retrying fetch operations
initialBackoff: <duration>
# Factor for exponential backoff
backoffFactor: <float>
# Maximum backoff time
maxBackoff: <duration>
# Maximum retry attempts
maxRetries: <int>
# Add randomness to wait intervals
jitter: <bool>
# Log error sample rate
logErrorSampleRate: <float>
# Log host write error sample rate
logHostWriteErrorSampleRate: <float>
# Log host fetch error sample rate
logHostFetchErrorSampleRate: <float>
# The amount of times a background check fails before a connection is taken out of consideration
backgroundHealthCheckFailLimit: <int>
# The factor of the host connect time when sleeping between a failed health check and the next check
backgroundHealthCheckFailThrottleFactor: <float>
# Hashing of IDs to shards configuration
# Murmur32 seed value
seed: <int>
# Configuration specific to running in ProtoDataMode
# Enable proto mode
enabled: <bool>
# Load user schema from client configuration into schema registry at startup/initialization time
messageName: <string>
schemaDeployID: <string>
schemaFilePath: <string>
# Worker pool size for async write requests
asyncWriteWorkerPoolSize: <int>
# Maximum concurrency for async write requests
asyncWriteMaxConcurrency: <int>
# Offsets all writes by specified duration into the past
writeTimestampOffset: <duration>
# Sets the number of blocks to retrieve in a single batch from the remote peer
# Default = 4096
fetchSeriesBlocksBatchSize: <int>
# Whether or not to write to shards that are initializing
# Defaults = true
writeShardsInitializing: <bool>
# Whether or not writes to leaving shards count towards consistency
# Default = false
# NOTE: shardsLeavingCountTowardsConsistency and shardsLeavingAndInitializingCountTowardsConsistency both
# cannot be true
shardsLeavingCountTowardsConsistency: <bool>
# Whether or not writes to both leaving and initializing shards as pair counts toward consistency
# Default = false
# NOTE: shardsLeavingCountTowardsConsistency and shardsLeavingAndInitializingCountTowardsConsistency both
# cannot be true
shardsLeavingAndInitializingCountTowardsConsistency: <bool>
# Specifies the pooling policy
# Initial alloc size for a block
blockAllocSize: <int>
# Thrift bytes pool max bytes slice allocation for a single binary field
thriftBytesPoolAllocSize: <int>
# General pool type, valid options: [simple]
type: <string>
# Bucketized pool configuration
# Configuration for buckets in a pool
# Number of items in the bucket
count: <int>
# Capacity of each item in the bucket
capacity: <int>
# The low watermark to start refilling the pool
# min=0.0, max=1.0
low: <float>
# The high watermark to start refilling the pool
# min=0.0, max=1.0
high: <float>
# Murmur32 seed value
seed: <int>
# Configuration specific to running in ProtoDataMode
# Enable proto mode
enabled: <bool>
# Load user schema from client configuration into schema registry at startup/initialization time
messageName: <string>
schemaDeployID: <string>
schemaFilePath: <string>
# Enables tracing, if nothing configured, tracing is disabled
# Name for tracing service
serviceName: <string>
# Tracing backen to use, valid options: [jaeger, lightstep]
backend: <string>
# If using Jaeger, options to send to tracing backend
# Service name to use
serviceName: <string>
# Disable jaeger tracing
disabled: <bool>
# Enable RPC metrics
rpc_metrics: <bool>
# Tags to send to tracing backend as key/value pairs
tags: <array_of_strings>
# Jaeger sampling configuration
# Sampler type, valid options: [const, probabilistic, rateLimiting, remote]
type: <string>
# Value passed to sampler
# For "const" sampler, 0 or 1 for always false/true respectively
# For "probabilistic" sampler, a probability between 0 and 1
# For "rateLimiting" sampler, the number of spans per second
# For "remote" sampler, param is the same as for "probabilistic" and indicates the initial sampling rate before the actual rate
param: <float>
# URL of sampling manager that can provide sampling strategy to this service
samplingServerURL: <string>
# How often the remotely controlled sampler polls sampling manager for the appropriate sampling strategy
samplingRefreshInterval: <duration>
# Maximum number of operations that the PerOperationSampler keeps track of
maxOperations: <int>
# For applications that require late binding of span name via explicit call to SetOperationName when using PerOperationSampler
operationNameLateBinding: <bool>
# Jaeger sampling configuration
# How many spans the reporter can keep in memory before it starts dropping new spans
queueSize: <int>
# Enable LoggingReporter that runs in parallel with the main reporter and logs all submitted spans
logSpans: <bool>
# Instructs reporter to send spans to jaeger-agent at this address
localAgentHostPort: <string>
# Disables udp connection helper that periodically re-resolves the agent's hostname and reconnects if there was a change
disableAttemptReconnecting: <bool>
# Send spans to jaeger-collector at this URL
collectorEndpoint: <url>
# Include a user for basic http authentication when sending spans to jaeger-collector
user: <string>
# Include a password for basic http authentication when sending spans to jaeger collector
password: <string>
# Add these headers to the http request when reporting spans
http_headers: <array_of_strings>
# Values for the header keys that Jaeger uses
# Forces the trace to be sampled as "debug" trace
jaegerDebugHeader: <string>
# Submit baggage in this header when a root span does not exist
jaegerBaggageHeader: <string>
# Use to propagate tracing context
TraceContextHeaderName: <string>
# Use to propagate baggage, must be lower-case
traceBaggageHeaderPrefix: <string>
# Baggage restrictions manager to whitelist certain baggage keys
# Startup failure mode to deny or allow writing of baggage before restrictions are retreived from Jaeger agent
denyBaggageOnInitializationFailure: <bool>
# hostPort of jaeger-agent's baggage restrictions server
hostPort: <string>
# How often the baggage restriction manager polls jaeger-agent for the most recent baggage restrictions
refreshInterval: <duration>
# Configures the throttler for the rate at which the client may send debug requests
# Host port of jaeger-agent's credit server
hostPort: <string>
# How often the throttler polls jaeger-agent for more throttling credits
refreshInterval: <duration>
# Should throttler synchronously fetch credits from the agent when an operation is seen for the first time
synchronousInitialization: <bool>
# If using Lightstep, options to send to tracing backend
# API key for your LightStep project
access_token: <string>
# Host, port, and plaintext option to use for the collector
collector: <url>
# Tags to send to tracing backend as key/value pairs
tags: <array_of_strings>
# Host, port, and plaintext option to use for the LightStep web API
lightstep_api: <url>
# Maximum number of spans buffered before sending them to a collector
max_buffered_spans: <int>
# Maximum allowable size (in characters) of an OpenTracing logging key
max_log_key_lenmax_log_key_len: <int>
# Maximum allowable size (in characters) of an OpenTracing logging value. Longer values are truncated. Only applies to ariable-length value types (strings, interface{}, etc)
max_log_value_len: <int>
# Limits the number of logs in a single span
max_logs_per_span: <int>
# Limits the size in bytes of grpc messages sent by a client
grpc_max_call_send_msg_size_bytes: <int>
# Maximum duration of time between sending spans to a collector
reporting_period: <duration>
# Minimum duration of time between sending spans to a collector
min_reporting_period: <duration>
# Timeout of sending spans to collector
report_timeout: <duration>
# Turn log events on all Spans into no-ops
drop_span_logs: <bool>
# Force use of HTTP connections
use_http: <bool>
# Force use of gRPC connection
usegrpc: <bool>
# Reconnect timeout for connections to collector
reconnect_period: <duration>
# Enable Lightstep meta event logging
meta_event_reporting_enabled: <bool>
# Defines limits for wide operations which optimize for query completeness across arbitary query ranges rather than speed
# Upper limit on time series bytes read from disk within a given lookback period
# Max value for the limit
value: <int>
# The period in which a resource limit is enforced
lookback: <duration>
# Upper limit on time series blocks count within a given lookback period
# Max value for the limit
value: <int>
# The period in which a resource limit is enforced
lookback: <duration>
# Maximum number of outstanding write requests that the server allows before it begins rejecting requests
maxOutstandingWriteRequests: <int>
# Maximum number of outstanding read requests that the server allows before it begins rejecting requests
maxOutstandingReadRequests: <int>
# Maximum number of bytes that can be loaded into memory as part of the repair process
maxOutstandingRepairedBytes: <int>
# Maximum number of encoders permitted in a block
maxEncodersPerBlock: <int>
# Write new series limit per second to limit overwhelming during new ID bursts
writeNewSeriesPerSecond: <int>
# Configuration for wide operations that differ from regular paths by optimizing for query completeness across arbitary query ranges rather than speed.
# Batch size for wide operations. This corresponds to how many series are processed within a single "chunk"
# Larger batch sizes complete the query faster, but increase memory consumption
batchSize: <int>
# TChannel configuration
# Maximum idle time
maxIdleTime: <duration>
# Idle check interview
idleCheckInterval: <duration>
# Debug configuration
# Sets runtime.SetMutexProfileFraction to report mutex contention events
# See https://tip.golang.org/pkg/runtime/#SetMutexProfileFraction for more details about the value
mutexProfileFraction: <int>
# Sets runtime.BlockProfileRate to report blocking events
# See https://golang.org/pkg/runtime/#SetBlockProfileRate for more details about the value.
blockProfileRate: <int>
# Enable cold writes for all namespaces
forceColdWritesEnabled: <bool>
# etcd configuration
# The type of discovery configuration used, valid options: [config, m3db_single_node, m3db_cluster, m3aggregator_cluster]
type: <string>
# Defines M3DB discovery via etcd
env: <string>
zone: <string>
endpoints: <array_of_strings>